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Showing face and giving courage: this is exactly the central concern we have dedicated ourselves to. Even before mental health was on everyone’s lips, we brought the issue of stigmatisation of mentally ill people into the public eye. We enable those affected and their relatives to show their faces. We show people in their entirety and give them a voice. These people show incredible courage and encourage those who cannot (yet) talk about their illnesses.
At the same time, we thereby sensitise the public in dealing with mentally ill people and their perception in society. We courage people stand for the values of diversity, respect and acceptance and we stand for strong self-help!
We inform about mental illness, educate and raise awareness about the topic. We want to encourage people to make use of professional help and services.
We create encounters from person to person. In an impressive way, our touring exhibition will also show people affected by mental illnesses on large-format displays, who encourage people with their stories – always at eye level with the viewers – and who make a strong case for self-help.
Especially in acute crisis situations, it can be difficult to get help promptly. Waiting times for therapy places are long and branches are scarce. If it is then difficult to talk about psychological burdens and challenges in one’s own environment because there are still enough prejudices and fears, the person is left alone and to his or her own devices in the worst case. We at Mutmachleute e.V. want to bring about a change.
However, anti-stigma work as well as prevention and help offers do not reach all people in the digital space.
On the tour through Germany, we will go public with a diverse programme – for strong self-help and the destigmatisation of mental illness.
Because: What is the most direct and sustainable way to destigmatise mental illness? How can we reach people directly with our encouraging message? By talking to each other, exchanging views – at eye level, from person to person. By affected people and their relatives openly showing their faces and talking about their illnesses. And also by being able to ask those not affected their questions in order to understand their perspectives.
It only works in cooperation – in a real dialogue.
A society must also be measured by how much diversity and participation it allows for all those who may not be able to stand up for their interests and express their needs.
With our campaign “Self-help shows face”, we want to bring the importance of self-help closer to many people and provide comprehensive information. We want to encourage people to get to know and make use of local offers. We offer local self-help groups and organisations the opportunity to introduce themselves directly to visitors.
We would like to talk to regional contact persons on site (self-help groups, organisations and contact points, other important contact points) in order to exchange experiences in the sense of networking, in order to make services more visible for those affected and their relatives.
Because we are convinced: self-help makes you strong.
New digital offers and possibilities are indispensable and facilitate the work and the exchange of information. Of course, it is still important to meet in person. But it is the combination of digital and analogue means that is attractive for the future of self-help. Aspects here are “self-help during and after Corona – new ways and possibilities”. Because self-help has experienced an upgrade as a “positive side effect of the pandemic”. It has become more diverse. The steadily increasing number of users in the forum shows a growing need for digital and virtual services, even before the pandemic.
In the area of digital self-help, we invite people to get to know and use our self-help online forum (launched in 2019), which is funded by the Federal Association of the AOK.
On our homepage we provide regular and up-to-date information about upcoming events and activities during our tour. We are looking forward to many encouraging encounters!
The Self-Help Tour is supported by the Federal Association of the AOK according to § 20h SGB V (Social Code Book V). The organisation is responsible for the content. Any claims for benefits against the health insurance company cannot be derived from this. The Mutmachleute e.V. Starnberg would like to say thank you in the name of those affected and their relatives!
We will soon announce the upcoming events and venues in our calendar.
Current press releases on the events can be found on our press page.